Pictures from the mindfield

Pictures from the mindfield

Tasmanian printmaker, Michael Schlitz works laboriously by hand, crafting his large wood blocks by gouging marks using a single tool to shape his hand drawings. His intense mark making covers the entire surface; the carved parallel lines surround and permeate the...
Jewellery showcase

Jewellery showcase

Daehoon Kang is a Korean born contemporary jeweller and silversmith now living in Australia. Daehoon translates traditional silversmithing techniques into jewellery inspired by his Korean heritage as well as Australian cultural influences. He says of his work, “As a...
The first dance

The first dance

Graeme Drendel is a Melbourne-based painter and printmaker who creates intriguing vignettes of people from many walks of life. Drawn from his personal observations, the eclectic characters in Graeme’s work appear to have been plucked from the middle of an unfolding...

Graham Fransella is a highly acclaimed painter, printmaker and sculptor who continues to explore the figure and the landscape in an exuberant, graphic style. His multi-layered abstractions, characterised by bold lines and vibrant colour, are the distillation of...