

Kirrily Hammond pursues moments of the sublime in the everyday through her poignant paintings and works on paper. Her evocative imagery depicts an intersection between landscapes of the imagination and those physically experienced by the artist. This exhibition...
Selected artists

Selected artists

Our recent stockroom display presents a carefully curated selection of available art works from our stockroom. Each of our three gallery spaces showcases a variety of mediums with both new and previously displayed artworks. Please note, you can also browse our...
Colossal wreck

Colossal wreck

Kirrily Humphries is a Canberra based artist known for her astoundingly detailed paintings and drawings that depict scenes within abandoned, derelict structures.  In this exhibition, Kirrily has focused purely on drawing, creating a suite of thirteen restrained, yet...
The Village Within

The Village Within

Canberra artist Derek O’Connor’s dynamic paintings come to life through sumptuous swathes of oil paint paired with energetic brush strokes. His full-bodied abstracted canvases are tantalisingly seductive, as movements of vivid paint melt into one another. Derek is an...
Midwinter echoes

Midwinter echoes

The sensory recollections that inspire Ulrica Trulsson’s elegant, pared back ceramic forms are revealed in an interplay of surface textures and subtle tones of colour. Transient musings of snow underfoot and cold air against skin are expressed in unique effects upon...

Crispin Akerman’s exquisitely rendered still life paintings are embedded with finely balanced and evocative details. These works are juxtaposed with paintings that depict moments of windswept Tasmanian coastline captured with a looser brush stroke. Crispin’s...