

Marianne Huhn creates her Limoges porcelain pieces by hand through a long process which commences with throwing the form on the wheel. Once the works are leather hard, she draws, scratches and paints directly onto the surface of each piece. The layers are then worked...
Lugar  Place

Lugar Place

Tasmanian artist, Barbie Kjar’s work is immediately recognisable and very distinctive in both technique and imagery. Known predominantly for her intimate and ethereal portraits, she explores in her recent workthe idea of connection to place. Musing on the places that...


Judy Holding has established a strong identity as an artist through the development of a personal visual ‘vocabulary’ of symbolic forms. In particular, her beautifully realised depictions of trees and birds, through her sculptures and works on paper, reflect her...
Body Time Light

Body Time Light

Alexander Boynes is a Canberra artist who has “always been interested in capturing …movement and dynamism in the body.” This dynamism is achieved through the use of sharp linear patterns within figures and a palette of strong bright colour, with the image seeming to...