Night visions

Night visions

Over four decades, Robert Boynes has developed a pictorial language to convey social and environmental concerns. His visual response to the world around him has always been an immediate and honest one and, in his paintings, layers of meaning exist somewhere between...


“There is music everywhere and verses all around, stories from the present and whispers from the past. The moon is always present, and so is time and sound…” Chilean-born printmaker Christina Cordero’s delicate, symbolic imagery is a poetic fusion of language,...
Trace and Land

Trace and Land

Trace and Land is Wendy Teakel’s third solo exhibition at Beaver Galleries. Wendy works across the disciplines of sculpture, drawing and painting to create artworks that explore the nature of place within the cultural landscape of farms. Obvious divisions of space...
The Elements

The Elements

Glowing evening clouds and approaching storms feature in Wayne Viney’s haunting monotype prints. Although his work is classical in style, Wayne responds to nature in a real and immediate sense, translating unfolding atmospheric changes with rich colour and gestural...
Vernacular landscape

Vernacular landscape

Well known Canberra artist Meg Buchanan uses a range of mediums to explore defined space and the figurative elements that dwell within it. It is possible to read the images as fractured landscapes, abstract signage or as portraiture. However interpreted, the limited...
Painted Word

Painted Word

Wildlife has been a major inspiration to Graeme Townsend for two decades, and his paintings reflect his love for the natural world and the visual treasures he finds there. Many of the works have a distinctly tropical atmosphere, with jewel-like birds and other...