

Marine Ky’s recent work follows “Happy Art Home”, a five-year community-based project based on the theme of world peace. It is an immediate response to visits to holy Buddhist sites in Northern India, Nepal and Cambodia and her own experiences while improving her...


Wendy Teakel’s art has always been inspired by the land, and is particularly influenced by farms stricken by the current drought. Living in a rural area devastated by years without significant rainfall, the artist’s daily reality is given vision through a series of...

Sydney sculptor Denese Oates has been exhibiting in Australia and overseas since 1979. The artist initially painted acrylic portraits, followed by handmade paper masks and torsos in relief, which incorporated natural objects. Later figurative metal sculptures utilised...

David Pottinger’s ceramic works have firmly established him as one of Australia’s foremost ceramic artists. His cylindrical forms are immediately identifiable by delicately patterned, rhythmic surface qualities that invoke textile mediums as much as ceramic vessels....
From this distance

From this distance

Kirrily Hammond’s paintings, prints and drawings combine lyrical imagery with specific sites and hazy memories. The resulting enigmatic and dreamlike landscapes invite silent contemplation as they explore the intricacies of human interactions and personal experience....
Terra intima

Terra intima

Avital Sheffer’s work is informed by an investigation of her Middle Eastern and Jewish heritage and an ongoing engagement with the landscape, architecture, languages and wisdom of that part of the world. The territory she refers to in her work is historically...