

Graeme Drendel’s paintings and works on paper portray surreal landscapes filled with mysterious and captivating narratives. The sparse exterior environment captured by the artist brings to light the interior world of his characters and their relationships,...


Denese Oates is a Sydney-based sculptor who has been exhibiting for over thirty years. This exhibition has developed from the artist’s fascination with the natural grids and patterns that are found in our environment. Fractals and spirals provide a particular...
Setting the compass

Setting the compass

Highly regarded Tasmanian artist, Barbie Kjar’s paintings and works on paper are immediately recognisable and very distinctive in both technique and imagery. People, birds, fish, beasts and the four elements of earth, air, fire and water are major themes. Colour is...
the Dahlia Suite

the Dahlia Suite

Chris Denton’s prints are intricate, minutely observed and exquisitely executed. He is inspired by the musings of Einstein, Aristotle and Descartes on the concept of space, particularly empty space, and its relationship to the material object. He explores these ideas...
Mungo traces

Mungo traces

Wendy Teakel is a painter and sculptor whose work expresses a strong connection to the history and sense of place of rural landscapes. In this exhibition, her paintings and sculptures focus on first hand impressions of visiting the Lake Mungo heritage site in New...
home, country and beyond

home, country and beyond

For over thirty years, the Australian landscape has been at the heart of Anita McIntyre’s ceramics. Her porcelain paper clay forms and vessels evoke a true sense of place as she continues to explore narratives of journey through space and time. First hand observation...