

A consummate printmaker and drawer, John Pratt is primarily concerned with exploring how physical surroundings evoke various states of being – both of the mind and body. John has based his recent series of works on paper on a series of drawings of botanical...
Yogis and Yoginis

Yogis and Yoginis

Clara Hali’s bronze sculptures reflect her continued interest in, and appreciation of, the human form. An avid traveller, Clara’s journey with the human form has been influenced by different traditions of European and Asian sculpture as well as the precarious rock...
Brief encounters

Brief encounters

Jamie Boyd is a painter and printmaker with a great family inheritance. He is highly regarded as a painter of the landscape and the figure, constantly challenging and redefining his knowledge of art through experimentation and play. In this intimate exhibition, Jamie...
optics and light

optics and light

Nicole Ayliffe has captured the optical qualities of glass through her beautiful transparent glass forms. By using a variety of cold working techniques, Nicole creates unique visual effects that emphasise the reflection and refraction of light between the exterior and...


Marc Rambeau is known for his landscapes that radiate vivid colour with paint thickly and texturally applied. In all of Marc’s paintings there is a vibrancy of movement and light within the picture plane, a heightened colour palette and always a sense of freshness and...


Dean Bowen’s works are characterised by vibrant colour, environmental symbolism and dynamic composition. His depictions of objects, people, insects and animals share the artist’s quirky and infectious sense of humour whilst also reminding us of our common struggles...