

15 August – 31 August 2024

about the exhibition

A formal sense of geometry, precise composition and unique tonal quality typify Peter Boggs’ paintings. Peter explores the mysterious qualities of light through his interior and landscape paintings: “my interest is in atmospheres and tones, not the accuracy of things – more allegorical than anything illustrative or descriptive; more the idea of place so as to conjure the experience of it…”. Although the locations depicted in the works exist, Peter is more interested in conveying a place through memory and feeling, imbuing the works with a dream-like quality. He considers the subject as more of a prop or a disguise which invites the viewer to contemplate what may be happening.

Born in New Zealand, Peter studied at Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland, and taught painting and drawing in England and Spain before moving to Australia in 1987. He has held over fifty solo exhibitions in New Zealand and Australia, and was a finalist in both the McMillan Ford Art Award and the Fleurieu Biennale, South Australia. He was the winner of the 2008 Kedumba Drawing Award as well as the 1998 Tattersall’s Club Landscape Art Prize. He has been a finalist in numerous prizes including most recently the 2020 Calleen Art Award at the Cowra Regional Art Gallery

exhibition images